Friday, April 10, 2009

Captain Attempts Escape But Is Recaptured

Update: Pirates Holding U.S. Hostage Reportedly Demand Ransom

The American captain being held hostage by Somali pirates since Wednesday jumped into the sea and tried swimming to the USS Bainbridge, but was recaptured by the pirates. Via CNN:
Phillips was believed to be trying to swim to the USS Bainbridge, a naval warship that is in communication with the gunmen holding Phillips off Somalia's coast, the official said.

The pirates jumped into the water, recaptured him, and returned him to the lifeboat, according to the official.

The U.S. military has every reason to believe that he was unharmed in the incident, the official said.

Phillips has been held since Wednesday, when the hijackers briefly seized control of his ship, the Maersk Alabama.

He is being held by four gunmen in the lifeboat about 300 miles off the Horn of Africa.

Meanwhile, two U.S. warships were on their way Friday to help the crew of the Bainbridge secure Phillips' release.

Please continue to pray for Captain Phillip's protection and swift rescue.

USS Bainbridge Arrives at Scene of Hijacking
Pirates Seize Ship With American Crew

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